Today, we would like to introduce our bench coach, Buxom Top Kat!

“Derby games were date night for my hubby and I. Cheering on our friends, learning the game from the stands. I was hooked after my first game, and also terrified of most of the skaters I didn’t know. They were fierce. After watching for a season and a half, waiting for the game to start one of our friends came over and offered me the chance to join in. Their bench coach wasn’t going to make it time for the game. Every part of my being was saying ‘I can’t do that, are you crazy?!’ 12335873_10153928672643714_1960919084_nand I almost said no. Then she said ‘I can see you’re scared, its alright. We can find someone else.’ I knew I’d never forgive myself for taking to easy way out. There was no going back after that moment. Being a part of Roller Derby, even not on skates has helped me grow as a person on so many levels; courage to do what scares me, challenging my leadership skills, and fostering my confidence in myself and what I am capable of. After finally building up the courage I needed to strap on skates and go to practice, I learned that my asthma needed more time to fortify off skates, and I was pregnant. A year later I am ready and able to start working towards that goal. I’m coming, watch out!”

Until next time, check out our online store and our Instagram page!


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Hugs and Hipchecks,
