By now you may have realized we love mixers. We enjoy sharing the track with all of our friends from around the area who love roller derby as much as we do. On March 24, skaters of all levels and from various rule sets came together to play by M.A.D.E rules. This co-ed mashup lead to a fun game between the May Flowers and April Showers.
This game was fast moving; which isn’t surprising due to the speed and skill level of many of the jammers participating. The May Flowers came out swinging and ended the first quarter with a big league. In the second quarter the April Showers changed their strategy, fought back and finished the first half ahead. In the third and forth quarters hits got harder and the score was close. May Flowers kicked it back up in the final few jams and won 102-89. The MVP jammer awards went to Carnage Asada and Smashing Pumpkin, while Rolling Thunder and Queen Diamond received blocker MVP status.
Action photos taken by can be found at