Meaning behind your Name and #: Wreck-It Ralph and Guardians of the Galaxy are a couple of my top favorite movies and they have such great messages about ‘being okay with how you are’. The number comes from Rocket Raccoon’s debut in Marvel Preview in 1979!
How long have you been playing roller derby?
5 years this past September (and I’m not slowing down!)
What position do you take?
I like to play a little of everything because there are so many tranferrable skills from each position.
What do you do for a living?
I currently work full-time in a medical office and part-time at the local rollerskate shop!
Do you have kids or fur babies?
I have 1 cat, Loki, and she is the love of my life 😍
Why Roller Derby?
It’s the sport for the non-athletic. I had tried soccer in school, but nothing really clicked. Hopping on skates though felt like destiny and it’s such a wonderful, inclusive community. As long as you want to try, there is a place for you.
What’s your favorite Junk food:
I can never say no to soft serve ice cream or garlic knots (don’t mix, would not recommend)
What do you like to do outside of derby?
I do woodworking/whittling as a decompressive hobby, but I can also be found playing pinball with a few teammates at the local shop.
Something we can expect to hear you say on bout day:
“Ooooooh, we’re gonna have so much FUUUUUUN!”
What advice you would give to new skaters?
Find the fun in skating. Once you consider it ‘too much’ or a burden, you stop learning and you stop growing. Find the fun 🙂
We asked a teammate about Wreck It and this is what they had to say: Not only is this team member a great skater, coach, and manager, but they’re a wonderful human being and fabulous friend. Wreck It is 100% heart and puts her all into everything she does.
I know I can count on Wreck It to have my back on the track or in life at any time.