Photo Credit: David Dyte
Meaning behind your Name and #: I’ve always been small. Various nicknames have followed me – smurf, short stuff, short round, high tower (ironically)… but when I was looking for a name, Half Pint stuck out, but needed a bit more and so Hellfire was born. 84 is the year I was born, and 8-4 is my anniversary, so it works both ways.
How long have you been playing roller derby? I started in March of 2010 and haven’t stopper rolling. I continue to learn new things every time I’m on the track and LOVE making new friends.
What position do you take? I prefer to block, but take any position asked of me. When our team was low on skaters, I started taking on the Pivot and Jammer positions and as much as I’d rather not, I take position and give my all.
What do you do for a living? I build scenery for film, television. I love working with metal, but do carpentry as well. I can also be found working as a stagehand for theatrical and musical touring shows.
Do you have kids or fur babies? I have 3 amazing pitbull mixes- 2 of which are rescues, and I love them dearly. If I had the room, I’d have 10!
Why Roller Derby? I LOVED watching it as a kid- granted it was the televised ‘fun’ stuff, but I wanted to be a part of that world SO BAD! When a friend said she was joining a team, I thought it was cool. After her first game, I was at the next. Available practice! The sport itself is amazing and thr family/ friends I’ve made through it are irreplaceable.
Whats your favorote Junk food: definitely French fries. They are my wellness followed close by pizza and Chinese food. I’m a sucker for take out, but we do try to cook as much as possible at home.
What do you like to do outside of derby? I love movies! I try to catch new flicks as often as I can. Im also a fan of playing with my puppers and arts n crafts
Something we can expect to hear you say on bout day: PICK A BODY! I love getting the the team going and encouraging skaters on the track, but I really love to see big hits. When the time comes, you can usually hear me from the bench.
What advice you would give to new skaters? Nothing is impossible. Anything you can’t do, add “Yet” to it and keep trying. We all started where you are and worked our way up at our own pace, you will be great.
We asked a teammate about Half Pint HellFire, and this is what they had to say: Half Pint is one of the kindest, strongest, and most wonderful people on the team. We truly could not be where we are without her. Her endless capacity for love has helped strays find their place in roller derby, on and off skates. She’s a great leader who knows when to hold people accountable and when to love people extra hard when they need it.