Meaning behind your Name and #: Oderus was the lead singer of Gwar and he passed on March 23, the same day my mother did
How long have you been playing roller derby? uhhh 6 years now I think?
What position do you take? usually jammer or pivot, but I have been blocking more as of late
What do you do for a living? I am a preload supervisor at UPS for going on 13 years
Do you have kids or fur babies? I have one cat named kitterbutts that I inherited from my grandmother. I’ve been told he is the handsomest
Why Roller Derby? I was an aggressive inline skater in the late 90s, early 2000s. I had fallen out of it for years. I was getting a tattoo done at forsaken ink, and saw a flyer for Mans Ruin. Checked it out, and here I am
What’s your favorite Junk food: buffalo chicken rollers from 7-11
What do you like to do outside of derby? outside derby I do a lot of nerdy stuff. Board games, video games, rpgs, larps, paintball, comics. You name it.
Something we can expect to hear you say on bout day: either “pick a body” or “gimme the star”
What advice you would give to new skaters? everything is easier with momentum. Speed is your friend
We asked a teammate about Oderus, and this is what they had to say: Odi is one of our hat-trick skaters. He can do it all, and he’s happy to do it. He’s a great coach, and loves to encourage everyone to try new things. He’s got a great attitude on the track and just loves to have fun. Oderus is definitely an asset to the team – at least when he’s not in the box lol.